This section contains fourteen of my best poems. A rhyming poem is indicated by a red asterisk (*).
Bed Poem* (1987)
No Good* (1993)
Negative Affection* (1993)
Therapy* (five poems in one) (1994)
Starve (1997)
What Could I Do?* (1997)
The Theory of Inverse Money-
   Happiness Correlation
The Hjorthian Reaper (1998)
The Bouncer Turned Me
The Paradise Motel* (1998)
Claque (1998)
Pretend Low Self Esteem* (1998)
The Angels' Vices* (2000)
Waiting with the Band* (2000)


short stories
When I was very young I wanted to be a writer. Some people have told me that I ought to pursue the writing and maybe I could get something published one day, but I just don't get a thrill out of it like I do with music, and I very rarely get the inspiration. I find that I'm somewhat restricted in my writing, by my lack of understanding about the human condition. Anyway here are some things that I've written.
    This section contains eight of my best short stories. Embedded in one of these tales is instructions on how to get to the "hidden" section of the web-site.
Dead Secret (1996) 1452 words
Teenage boy finds dead girl in his bedroom, awakening strange urges within him.
The Witch's Daughter (1997) 10833 words
A guy is trapped for most of his life inside a house by a witch's spell.
The Stapler Story (1996) 2094 words
Story of young boy and his sister being rushed to the airport in the nick of time.
Call The Locksmith (1999) 6665 words
A man suffers from paranoia and memory loss, and it's all somehow supernaturally connected to this band that he's obsessed with, and it's the story of his life.
The People Have Gone (1995) 2194 words
A happy delusional man meets a couple of militant revolutionaries on the streets of a big, silent, dead city.
Descent (1999) 12707 words
A young woman takes her sad boy friend out to see a band and tries to talk him out of suicide. A four-part play.
You Thought It Was About Tobacco (1996) 887 words
Inspired by seeing mental patients smoking lots of cigarettes and drinking coffee.
Noise Pollution (1996) 990 words
A man sits in his room being bothered by loud music.